I came into this lifetime as an empath with the ability to tune into the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others. As a small child, I remember silently observing the world around me with an awareness that there was something beyond what I was able to see with my human eyes. Becoming enmeshed in the drama that is inherent in third dimensional reality, as I grew, the veils of forgetfulness inevitably clouded my vision.
Like many, my childhood was challenging, allowing me to partake in the full spectrum of experience on Earth. Be that as it may, after a time, I adopted thoughts, conditioned mind patterns and programming from my parents, teachers and others whom I looked to for guidance. Though my 13 years of education in a Catholic school provided me with a spiritual foundation, the message that we are separate from our Creator and reliant on a middle man (priest) did not ring true for me. Through it all, I miraculously managed to retain my faith in the power of love and intuitive knowing that we are all one.
At age 19, while struggling as a single working mother, I was gifted with a copy of “The Prophet” by Kahil Gibran, which forever changed my perception of myself, the role I was playing as a parent, and my relationship with everyone and everything in my life. Every fiber of my being resonated with the words of undeniable truth and wisdom that were beautifully expressed within those pages, igniting an unquenchable thirst and deep desire to understand the true purpose and meaning of my life. Thus, a seed had been planted. However, it wasn’t until several years later that I consciously began my spiritual journey, in earnest. During those years of self-exploration, I was guided to many different healing modalities and received inspiration from a number of resources, including various channels, writers, peacemakers, artists, musicians and philosophers.
Having learned the true meaning of equanimity, thereby giving equal value to every experience no matter the circumstance or temptation to view it otherwise, each has served me in one way or another. One exceptionally profound blessing that I received while staying with a friend in Shell Beach was a visitation from Archangel Gabriel. As I bathed in the warmth of his light and love and looked deeply into his crystal clear blue eyes, he shared that “The secret of life is to be true to self and remember to love!” Taking those words into my heart, I called forth greater understanding as to their import in my life. With a growing interest in expanding my awareness of myself, I set my intention on creating openings for direct communion with beings who embody light and love and reside in higher dimensions of consciousness. In so doing, within a short time, when tuning into their energy, I was able to identify one from another. Thereafter, using discernment and with much assistance, I began dialoging with them on a regular basis.
All the while, I was ever reminded that self-empowerment is equal to our receivership. Requiring that I empty my vessel of all that did not serve me, whereby making room for a more expanded understanding and experience of myself, with due diligence, my focus, ongoing, was on unraveling the pieces and unlearning imprinting that is indicative of the human condition. All the while, integrating and calling forth the truth to set me free, over a period of time, taking in and fully owning all that I know to be real and true, when entering the STILLNESS, I awakened remembrance of my true identity as a being of LOVE. Aptly referred to as the “journey without distance,” in that space of no time, we return home to the heart of God/Source, merged in sacred union with all that we are, have ever been and shall ever be, as multidimensional beings.