“With wisdom and grace, we journey inward,
ever awakening to the truth that frees us to be,
to experience, and to express all
that we truly are as Beings of Love.”
~ Jeannine Michaelson
The world as we have known it is transforming. As such, we are in the midst of dismantling old reference points and all that does not serve the highest good of all, while simultaneously, as a collective, undergoing immense reconstruction, both within and in our outer landscape. This entails recalibrating our innate heart centered navigation system and, in so doing, clearing the way for a new reality that honors all of life. Therein we merge Heaven and Earth.
As a speaker, writer and facilitator of women’s circles and gatherings, I am impassioned with inspiring others to tap into their own knowing, awakening remembrance of their own magnificence and true identity. Inevitably, this requires unearthing the shadow, those parts of ourselves that have felt misunderstood and unacknowledged. When lovingly embracing and unifying all that we are within our hearts, we resurrect our own treasure trove of gifts and are forever free.
With the ever unfolding paradigm shift and predestined ascension of this beloved planet, I am resuming my blogs, sharing my insights and exchanges with our star families, those from the angelic and celestial as well as nature realms who are here to assist us. Hence, our focus will be on bridging the gap, filling in the pieces and activating remembrance of our long forgotten multidimensional beingness.
This was my experience when writing my first book, Rebirth of Innocence, gifting myself with an inward journey that reawakened me to the magic of life and my connection with the nature kingdom. The creation of the story was a collaboration with beings from beyond this realm who inspired me to remember a time when I viewed myself and all of life through the eyes of love and with the trust and faith of a child.
Recently published, “My Life Is My Masterpiece – Giving Wings to the Human Condition” serves as a catalyst, representing a view of life from a higher vantage point, allowing, accepting, acknowledging and in deep appreciation for every nuance. Ultimately, no matter our background or beliefs, our purpose for being here is to grow and evolve our souls and I offer this as yet another tool/footprint.
Referring to these as my two book ends, though at first glance they may appear as very different, the common denominator and message conveyed in each relates to courageously facing our fear, being authentic and true to ourselves and, empowered in love, allowing our joy to be the wind beneath our wings.
I appreciate your visiting my home page and, as always, wish you miracles, magic and blessings with every breath and step you take as this dance continues.